Problem: Your garden hose is a mess, a tangled ball of confusion! Tired of spending countless hours on your Rubics garden hose? What is a person to do?
Yuck What a mess! Hose Reels? Bah Humbug! Behold! Solution: The patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese!!!
The patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese, is in constant contact with our Ethiopian Space Institute launched satellite. The patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese, monitors water requirements and adjusts nozzle performance according to YOUR needs.
Better yet! There’s no water bills! You heard correct. The new patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese transmits your water requirements directly from our huge air conditioned warehouse located deep within a natural spring. The right amount of water anytime, every time! Why wait? Here’s your chance to be the first on your block to water your garden, wash your car, or just plain have it out with your neighbors cat! Wait!!! Did I mention that The patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese is completely portable? Take it with you to the beach, shopping, or for a stroll to the park. Order your patent pending, Satellite Garden Nozzle, by MutantCheese today! Operators are standing by.
Warning: A small number of side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, or changes in appetite or weight, sleepiness or insomnia, headache, nervousness, or anxiety, over excitability, under excitability, decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm. Do not use if you are pregnant, thinking of getting pregnant or if you have ever been pregnant. Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. May cause dizziness, blurred vision, or restlessness, and it may hide the symptoms of extreme tiredness.